Monday, November 14, 2011

" Apple " Steve Jobs Movie Assignment

1.  5 words to describe Steve Jobs are : Creative , Imaginative , Independent , Fun , and Active

2. He was involved in other companies such as Mac , Pixar , and was associated with Microsoft.

3. The differences between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs was Jobs was more outgoing and " fun " in his own way , Gates on the other hand was also " fun " in his own way but he was also more conservative

4. People in the film felt Jobs was mean , a bully , and used people like machines. And he often took credit that had nothing to do with him.

5. He always knew who and why to hire people he did. He was a great marketer and knew how too sell a product.

6. Industries he helped revolutionize was the film , music , film , phone , and slo computer industry.

7. Yes , because all the things he revolutionized with films , and things of the nature would have never happend.

8. i think almost everyone wants has something too do with Apple , computers , ipods , phones. im typing on a Apple computer right now.

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